(Numbers refer to paragraphs) ("
last" refers to the number of the whole paragraphs)
For example:
If your articel has 6 paragraphs, last = 6.
(You can insert images wherever you want)
For eaxmple:
last/2 equals to 6/2, so the middle paragraph is the third paragraph.
If you want to insert an image in the middle paragraph of the whole article, just input last/2, it will be inserted after the third paragraph.
last/3 equals to 6/3.
If you want to insert an image at one-third of the paragraph of the whole article, just input
last/3, it will be inserted after the second paragraph.
0 (At the beginning of the text.) Insert an image before the first paragraph
1 Insert an image after the first paragraph
2 Insert an image after the second paragraph
3,4,5... Insert images after the third,fourth,fifth paragraph... (and so on)
last (At the end of the text)Insert an image after the last paragraph
0~3 Insert images at each position between the beginning of the text and the end of the third paragraph
(0~3){2} Insert images in 2 random positions between the beginning of the text and the end of the third paragraph
last-1 Insert an image after the penultimate paragraph
(2~(last-2)){3} Insert images in 3 random positions between the second paragraph and the third to last paragraph
last/2(the middle paragraph is the third paragraph)Insert an image after the middle paragraph of the article

Multiple expressions separated by commas, such as: